August 2018 August 2018 | Page 15

Gohemian Turf Cruiser (Pictured above) Fairway Rider G3 (Pictured above) Ellwee is a Swedish company that has pro- to-typed an incredible-looking 4-wheel single-rid- er golf cart. And Ellwee still calls them carts, too, even though they look like futuristic quad-sports. SoloRider is engineered and built with our pas- sion to keep players with a diverse range of challenges and disabilities in the game of golf. From seniors who experience challenges walking, through to veterans with multiple dis- abilities, every rider has a unique story. Their cart is not yet in production, but the compa- ny is taking pre-orders. The price is higher than a scooter but less than a board, starting at $4,900. (That’s 39,900 Swedish Kronas for those of you who are looking to pre-order). Solorider (Pictured above) Ellwee (Pictured above) Another newcomer is the Fairway G3 available exclusively from DSG Global Inc. The Fairway Rider G3 is fast, fun golf on three wheels. This is a completely fresh take on the single-rider vehi- cle. (Modified handicapped buggies have been around for a long time, but they are as exciting as a 6-hour round.) The Fairway Rider G3 is what young (and young- at-heart) golfers really want: a cool-looking ride that lets them play “ready golf”. It’s fast, fun, and for the golf courses... it’s FREE! Conceptually, golf carts haven’t changed a lot in the last 50 years. They are heavy, rough on the course, and are designed for multiple riders. More and more courses are struggling to attract new golfers to their courses, have pace of play issues, and aren’t making as much money as they could be. The good new is, Caruca is here to help! Caruca (Pictured above) AUGUST 2018 15