August 2013 EL PASO GAY & LESBIAN | Page 10

By James Gamez You drive out to the far east and finally you get there. Mystic Grape, on El Paso’s east side, is a new gem in our Sun City. We began our dinner with a mushroom This upscale hot spot sure keeps it classy appetizer that was to die for, it was succuby keeping up with its 100 plus wines lent and filled with flavor. We also had some potato tacos with delicious sides “We just wanted somewhere you could including guacamole that were optimistic. have a good time, with good music, ambi- The chicken and salmon dishes were ance, and a comfortable environment,” brought out on beautiful china and decosaid co-owner Nicole Cabral. Ambiance rated as if you were eating at a 5 star resgalore is more like it. There are several taurant. Under each dish was a nice help“private” booths with wide screens in ing of amazing mashed potatoes and vegeach booth that have comfortable couches gies. The chicken was delightful. The and large tables. The center piece of the salmon was cooked perfectly. There was a restaurant is its bar. Long and wide, and light crust filled with flavor and the there are wine stations throughout the res- salmon melted in your mouth. I have not taurant. Wine stations? Yes, there are had salmon like that…EVER. dozens of wines you can choose from. You get a credit card-like device that you If you want to go on a date, this place is stick in the wine station and walah...your perfect for it or even just cocktails with glass is filled to your hearts desire. If you friends. Check it out! like wine…this is the place to be. Mystic Grape* 2270 Joe Battle * 915.921.6277 “El Paso is only the seventh to have this kind of technology, and the wine is as fresh as you open it, up to a whole month,” said owner Santiago Cabral. So on the suggestion of the Cabrals we had white wine with our entrees.