Aug-Sept 2022 Issue #6 MM | Page 153

4 . Improves your heart

A study appearing in The American Journal of Cardiology found men who ejaculated just once per month were 45 percent more likely to see cardiovascular disease or have a stroke compared to guys who released more than twice a week .

5 . Great for your prostate

We previously reported that men who ejaculate at least 21 times per month were less likely to experience prostate cancer as opposed to those who jerk it less .

6 . Encourages youthful appearance

Men who look significantly younger than their true age may all have one thing in common : it ’ s masturbating more often ! British Clinical Psychologist Dr . David Weeks found those who released three times a week compared to those didn ’ t looked much younger .
The possible reason is increased blood circulation , which may encourage deeper sleep and in turn , more glowing skin .

7 . Prevents STD ’ s

This one is a no brainer . If you are doing it solo , it ’ s kind of hard to pick anything up .
Obviously , it ’ s always more fun with someone else but if you can ’ t find someone , you know have this reason to enjoy .

8 . Encourages mindfulness

You may have heard of the buzz-term mindfulness . That ’ s the simple art of living in the here and now . By doing so , you reduce stress and anxiety .
When going solo , conjuring up imagery from the present ( or fantasizing about the future ) can help you to connect more powerfully to the present . Not so bad , is it ?

9 . Cold prevention

According to a report in Pub Med , 11 guys volunteered to masturbate from start to finish . Scientists drew and recorded their blood .
The results suggested that achieving orgasm raises the number of cells ( called leukocytes ) in men . Leukocytes help to maintain the health of the immune system and ward of things like colds .

10 . You may live longer

Per a two-decade study published in the British Medical Journal , guys with the highest number
of releases experienced a better quality of life plus lived longer than men who did so less . 153