Aug/Sept 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 61


The Secret to Better PAIN RELIEF


Conventional healthcare focuses on physical injuries and disease but treats mental and emotional stress like unwanted stepchildren . Yet , stress not only aggravates pain but creates it . Even without a definitive physical injury , mental and emotional stress can manifest as pain , spasms , and suffering . For example , simply think about a corrupt politician , cutthroat coworker , or challenging family member . Picture the lines of their face , their grating voice , the impact of their words , and the devastation caused by their actions . These thoughts may trigger tightness in your jaw , shoulders , or back . A frown may spread across your face . Your heart rate may quicken as your stress response flicks on . Inflammation and pain start to rise . Now take a big breath in and a longer breath out . Give it a try , and take three big breaths with longer exhales . Now picture somebody you love — a family member , friend , mentor , or pet . Remember how you feel in their presence , the sound