Aug/Sept 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 27

It ’ s a way of living not just for today but for every day .
It ’ s about taking notice of what we call the joy gems in your life .

Joy gems are life ’ s simple pleasures , acts of kindness , or the little things that show up everywhere and are often missed because we are too busy or distracted by life ’ s stressors .

have . Appreciating all that you have rather than what you don ’ t have is a step towards greater fulfillment .

It ’ s a way of living not just for today but for every day .

It ’ s about taking notice of what we call the joy gems in your life .

Joy gems are life ’ s simple pleasures , acts of kindness , or the little things that show up everywhere and are often missed because we are too busy or distracted by life ’ s stressors . Most joy gems don ’ t cost much and don ’ t typically require hours of our time . Joy gems make us feel better on the inside and have an enduring effect . They can be as simple as a moment like laughter with a loved one , noticing the change in season of the autumnal colors , the smell of freshly baked cookies , or an experience such as a walkin nature or listening to your favorite music .
If you pause long enough , then you will recognize the many gifts that are bestowed upon us . It requires you to be observant , and fully present , to be awake rather than sleepwalking or speed racing through life . Joy gems make the journey more vibrant because life is not about getting to the end the fastest .
If you are struggling to find joy gems , the “ Meddler ” is getting in your way . The Meddler is the voice inside your head that has a megaphone and focuses on the negative in your life . It ’ s the naysayer , complainer , problem-finder , and doubter . We all have a Meddler voice in our lives , the difference is how aware of it are we ? How often do we listen to the Meddler and let that negative voice direct our days , weeks , or years ?
The good news is that there is also a “ Player ” voice , the positive voice inside our head that focuses on solving problems , the cheerleader , joy finder , and confident yet calm voice that says , “ we got this .” The challenge is tuning in to listen more closely to the Player voice because it often gets shushed by the Meddler . When you pay close attention to the Player , you will see more of what ’ s good and right in your world .

Below are five ways the Player in motion seeks out the joy gems in your life :

Pay attention to the beauty that is all around you . What do you see , smell , feel , or taste ? Indulge your senses . Notice a blue sky , the juice from an orange , a child playing