Aug/Sept 2022 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 17


Once you discover and enjoy a whole relationship between you and your inner being , every other relationship falls into place .

beauty of alignment , confidence , clarity , and self-love . Contrary to what most people think or may try to tell you , this is not narcissism ; it ’ s the kind of love for yourself that overflows from within — an abundant , radiant light source — and enriches the lives of others , too .
Once you discover and enjoy a whole relationship between you and your inner being , every other relationship falls into place . The vibrancy of our attention and curiosity burst open our joie de vivre . This ignites our radiance , and before we know it , an entire room .

“ Lit-from-Within ” Love

My mom ’ s very wise words , “ Treat your skin like the most expensive silk on earth ,” can be applied to the internal process of finding your authentic radiance . When we are soft , gentle , and kind to ourselves , we allow ourselves to be raw , intimate , and vulnerable . When I went through the journey to discover this myself , what emerged was an inner essence that felt warm and loving .
It wasn ’ t always this way , however . There was a time when I did not like being with myself . When I was alone , there were a lot of cold , harsh thoughts : “ Work harder , do better , succeed more .” These voices came from my upbringing , the need for society ’ s approval , and selfimposed judgments . I turned to career distractions to block it all out , but the more achievements and possessions I amassed , the more my inner light dulled and dimmed .
The rituals brought my inner being back to life and have sustained my radiance and vibrancy . The secret lies in connecting to our essence every day and igniting our desires and passions . To do this in my own life , I began “ dating ” myself by scheduling Radiance Rituals and Radiance Retreats into my planner and treating them like real dates with a friend or lover . I also had exploration playdates with my passions , interests , and curiosities . I created , enjoyed , relished , engaged , and connected with myself in a way that I never had before . I began engaging with my surroundings and became immersed and present — breathing , savoring , and appreciating .
These moments alone were a doorway to unlocking the mysteries of my soul . They helped me to understand myself , my relationships , and the world around me . Even so , I didn ’ t intellectualize the journey that much ; I allowed myself to simply savor what I called “ delicious moments ”— and got out of my head and into my body . Through it all , the hardest part for this overachiever and overdoer was not pushing or trying so