This is my first Presidents message since taking over for the excellent job that Aaron Cheever did for ASCE-NH last year and there is already so much to talk about . The golf outing that you will read about later in this newsletter raised almost $ 8,000 for the scholarship fund ! An amazing effort by Annabelle Audet and her team who I cannot thank enough for all of their energy and efforts that went into making this year another great success . We also have the Joint ASCE- NH / SENH meeting coming up later this month with a great guest speaker and a nice opportunity to get together at the Derryfield Country Club in Manchester for a night of learning and networking .
But more than just the exciting events , it is my favorite time of the year . Warm days , cools nights , the kids are back in school , the construction season is planning its final few months of work , and football is back on every weekend . Fall is the time to wrap up all of our projects , cross off as much as possible on that to-do list , and get ready for the regathering and reflection of the winter .
But as much as I love this time of year , it is presenting a few areas of concern for ASCE-NH . The primary position on the board that is not permanently filled is the president-elect seat . The board is fortunate that long time member Nick Golon has stepped up on an interim basis , but is not able to fill the role going forward full time . ASCE-NH is a great organization that does fantastic charity work to give back to the engineering community in addition to being a wonderful networking opportunity . If you or anyone you know is interested in a leadership role with our organization , please contact us to attend our next board meeting ( via Zoom ) to see what we are about . We are also in need of a young members group chair . The invitation is always open for younger engineers to join and begin to grow your professional networks .
To end on a high note , the lunch and learns were extremely successful last year and we are excited to continue that trend going forward . The L & Ls will likely restart around the holidays , so keep an eye out for upcoming news and events .
My best to you and yours , Owen Friend-Gray PE ASCE-NH President