Aug/Sept 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 65

1 . Your Kid Chose You . For a Reason .
2 . They are souls , in a human body , on their very own journey .
tribulations . Every day I thank my Record Keepers for keeping me on the right track and for the knowledge and truth they share with me .

1 . Your Kid Chose You . For a Reason .

I often wondered how I ended up with the parents I have . Then I had my sons and really wondered how I ended up with them . When they were born , there was a familiarity in their energy and their eyes . I knew them before and was aware that there was something that we had to offer each other .
I know there are some really awful situations that make you wonder , why would someone choose that experience . For now , we can leave it at the awareness that there was a lesson their soul contracted to learn .
The generation of children who have been born over the last few decades and are currently incarnating , seem to be on a fast track to ascension . They have chosen their parents based on the circumstances and contributions their souls are slated to make in the universe , right now . You are here to foster their development and as they surpass you on this spiritual journey , they will teach you .
My experience is that my son is open and connected , turned up to 95 . There is no small talk with him . He has a purpose and a mission and in his late teenage years , he is ready to embody lessons that I just began to understand in my 40 ’ s . So , I ponder , what if he had been born to someone who wasn ’ t awake at all … and the answer I receive from my Record Keepers is - that is exactly why he chose me . Oh ya , and we have some karma to clean up . Ask me about the time I passed up the death door because I decreed , I wasn ’ t going to keep reliving the same unlearned lessons .
The Akashic Records grant you a high-level view of your map and plan while providing guidance around the intersection of the lessons and purpose both of your souls have chosen for this incarnation . The knowledge I have received has been relevant , clarifying and reassuring when I have questioned myself , my parenting , my judgment .

2 . They are souls , in a human body , on their very own journey .

We want to see our children succeed , without too much pain and definitely don ’ t want to see them suffer through disappointment , heartache or anything we deem negative . But the truth is that experiences good and bad are inevitable . Their soul came into a body to have a human experience and that is theirs , not ours as their parent .
It is hard to let go of the bike ; drop them off at school for kindergarten and let them drive alone for the first time . And all of those things are necessary . Their soul will find a way to experience the lessons that it has chosen . It ’ s like the message you keep ignoring , if you don ’ t let them journey on their own path , the call often becomes irresistible .
My son is a limit tester . He loves to push boundaries , without much regard for whose boundaries they are . For years , I tried to tame him , harness his spirit , make him toe the line . All to no avail , other than frustrating both of us . I have endeavored to instill in him a sense of respect , while still allowing questioning of the norm . Part of his journey is to create opportunity for discernment , even if he does it in ways that I don ’ t love . Like the time he was assigned a biology report on the evolution of life from a water molecule . He took the opportunity to convince his class that his theory was more likely about the evolution of life from extra-terrestrial