Aug/Sept 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 34

34 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2021
You cannot expect transformation to happen without first identifying what is calling for the transformation ( rain clouds ), allowing yourself to feel all the feels ( the rain ), allow new clarity to come through ( sunshine after the rain ) which then leads ( rainbow ) to new state of BEing / new you ( pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ).

You may be asking , “ Just how do I do this retreat to self and love myself through the storm ?”

1 . Acknowledge that you are in need of sacred space & time in order to retreat to self .

2 . Give yourself permission to carve out time for this retreat- an hour , an afternoon , a day , even a weekend .

3 . Schedule the time and show up for yourself .

4 . Have a journal and pen at hand along with water , tea or juice and some tissue is always handy .

5 . Get as physically comfortable as you

can , call in your guides for support , tune into that part of you that is hurting , angry &/ or frustrated , and listen to everything she has to say .

6 . Allow the emotions to flow . As uncomfortable as they may be , you are releasing so much more than you think . Each tear , each sound represents exponential emotions that have compressed and built up over time . 7 . Move that pen over the paper . At any time and maybe throughout this entire retreat to self . Whether you are scribbling , sketching , doodling , listing , or writing ; let it flow . No one ever needs to read or see this , no one is going to grade or judge it and you can tear it up or burn it after . This means of putting pen to paper is a powerful way of clearing energy and reaching what has been hiding away in your subconscious .

8 . When you feel you are complete , at least in the moment , this is when a bath / shower / swim is most beneficial to help you clear and rejuvenate . A walk or time in nature is also great for this . 9 . Be sure to thank yourself for taking this time with and for yourself and then , thank and release your guides .

34 www . AspireMAG . net | August / September 2021