Aug/Sept 2021 Aspire Magazine FULL Issue | Page 25


The love that we share with another being doesn ’ t end ; the strong connections we cultivate with our animal companions live on long after they ’ ve crossed over .

information , inspiration , and spiritual wisdom that channeled into me from Lucero were overwhelming , like drinking from a firehose . I felt simultaneously enlightened , enchanted , and enthralled — and the more I learned , the more I realized I had already been receiving the information he was downloading to me — I just hadn ’ t been aware up until this time it was coming from him .
Although both Jiggs and Lucero have since passed , they continue to guide me from the spirit realm in my work and my daily life . The love that we share with another being doesn ’ t end ; the strong connections we cultivate with our animal companions live on long after they ’ ve crossed over . I can access the assistance and guidance of Jiggs or Lucero ( from the spirit realm ) at any time , and there ’ s not a day that goes by that I don ’ t appreciate their deep wisdom and ask them for help .
After listening to the guidance and wisdom shared by Jiggs and Lucero , I learned quickly that my spirit soared when working with and helping animals and their people . But even further , my business also took off , and it has continued to grow since . As an animal intuitive , healer , and teacher who now guides others toward discovering their unique gifts and abilities with the help of their animals , I have found my deepest passion and I feel tremendously blessed to be able to share it . I will forever be grateful to Jiggs for his guidance and all he experienced in life with me to lead me to my true calling . The place I arrived wasn ’ t somewhere I ever planned or expected to be — but it turned out to be exactly where I was meant to be .
My new book , Bark , Neigh , Meow ; Awaken to the Transformative Wisdom of your Companion Animal to Activate your Soul ’ s Highest Calling , shares real-life stories such as my own with Jiggs and Lucero — among many others — that encourage readers to experience and open to deeper connections and communication with their animal companions to expand their consciousness . Learn all that animals are and can be for us — partners , teachers , guides , healers , catalysts , and bridges — and discover the resources to follow the enlightened path toward personal growth , fulfillment , and transformation deep in the heart and soul .
From Bark Neigh Meow by Lynn McKenzie . © 2021 by Lynn McKenzie . Used by permission from Llewellyn Worldwide , Ltd ., www . Llewellyn . com .
LYNN MCKENZIE - Lynn ’ s greatest passion lies in helping others attune to the insight , wisdom and magic that sentient beings wish to share with humanity . Training over 100,000 students in 52 countries , over the past 30 years through her signature Animal Energy ® Certification Training program , Lynn has built a stellar global reputation , helping others identify , foster and embody their own animal communication and healing gifts . She is the author of Bark , Neigh Meow ; Awaken to the Transformative Wisdom of your Companion Animal to Activate your Soul ’ s Highest Calling — often referred to as the Eat , Pray , Love for animal lovers . Find her at www . LynnMcKenzie . com .