generally be avoided . It ' s usually best to have the strong hand as declarer . So responder passes . The partnership can still end up in notrump if that ' s the best spot .
3 . ♠10 6 ♥Q J 9 3 2 ♦A 8 3 ♣J 9 6
Pass . With length in the opponent ' s suit , South would like to double East ' s 2♥ overcall for penalty . However , double would show a weak hand . Instead , responder must pass , showing enough values for game . Responder is hoping opener has a strong balanced hand and can reopen with a double . Responder will then be happy to pass and defend .
4 . ♠A 5 2 ♥3 2 ♦J 9 7 6 3 ♣K 9 6
Pass . Even though responder has enough values for a positive response , the five-card diamond suit is not strong enough to bid at the three level . The suit should be headed by at least the ♦Q . So responder passes , showing enough strength for game , and awaits development .
Bidding a Suit
When there is no interference , the partnership might have the agreement that a positive response in a suit promises a good suit headed by two of the top three honors or three or the top five .
When right-hand opponent intervenes , responder doesn ’ t always have as much room and the auction has become competitive . It is , therefore , best for responder to show a reasonable five-card or longer suit , headed by at least the queen if it is only five cards . Opener will have to give some allowance that responder ' s suit may not be of the same quality as if there had been no interference .
Here , responder has a reasonable fivecard spade suit and enough strength to commit the partnership to game .
2♠ ♠K 10 8 6 2 ♥7 5 ♦K 9 7 ♣6 4 3
It is best to get the spade suit in right now in case the auction becomes more competitive . If South were to pass and West were to make a preemptive raise to 4♥ , for example , it could become very awkward to describe the hand later .
Responder ' s natural bid suit doesn ' t deny a good suit . In the previous auction , even if South ' s spades were ♠A-Q-J-6-2 , South would still respond 2♠ .
The Cuebid
Cuebidding the opponent ' s overcalled suit shows a good hand with slam interest . Responder presumably doesn ’ t have a good five-card suit , so responder wants to work with opener to find a suitable trump fit . The cuebid takes the place of a takeout double of righthand opponent ' s suit since a double would show a very weak hand .
With this hand , for example , responder has 10 high-card points and is interested in playing in a slam if a suitable trump fit can be found . opener
3♥ ♠K Q 6 2 ♥4 2 ♦A 10 9 5 ♣J 9 4
Responder cuebids 3♥ . The hand has excellent support for spades and diamonds , and at least reasonable support for clubs . If opener now bids a suit , responder can raise to agree on the suit without fear of being passed since responder has already shown slam interest .
After a Jump Overcall If right-hand opponent makes a jump overcall , responder can use the same basic agreements :
• Double shows a very weak hand .
• Pass shows some values and is game-forcing .
• A suit bid is natural , showing a five-card or longer suit .
In the following auction , East makes a preemptive jump overcall to 3♠ over North ' s 2♣ opening .
responder ?
What would South bid with each the following three hands ?
5 . ♠8 6 2 ♥4 2 ♦10 9 5 3 2 ♣J 7 4
Double . Responder doubles to show a weak hand and warn partner not to expect much help . Opener can now decide the best action given this information .
6 . ♠Q 2 ♥K 9 5 ♦J 9 5 3 2 ♣9 7 4
Pass . This is a slightly stronger hand than the previous example . Responder has some values but no clear-cut action . So responder simply passes , giving opener an opportunity to describe the hand . Responder ' s pass is forcing and allows opener to bid naturally without worrying about being passed below game .
7 . ♠8 4 ♥9 7 5 ♦K Q J 7 2 ♣K 6 2
4♦ . Responder has a good enough diamond suit to bid at the four level . Without a good fit for diamonds , opener may want to play in notrump , but there should be enough combined strength for at least ten tricks in notrump . If opener does happen to have a diamond fit , a slam contract is quite possible .
Summary It is good to have a partnership agreement on the meaning of responder ' s actions after partner opens with a strong artificial 2♣ and the next opponent intervenes with a double or an overcall . Responder ' s call will give opener some information about responder ' s hand and help opener judge what to do next .
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