Actually , whatever East plays at trick two , South should make the contract . Declarer can draw trumps . The 2-2 trump break with the ♥Q onside presents no challenge for declarer . After trumps are drawn , declarer discards two spades on dummy ’ s clubs . Yes , declarer will lose a spade and two diamonds to go with the ♣A , but that ’ s all . The third diamond gets trumped in dummy . Declarer makes 3♥ for a score of 140 .
Notice South should not discard diamonds on the clubs . That would leave South to lose a diamond trick and then the spades would need to be negotiated for only two losers . There are some fancy possibilities , but why go there ? Simply discarding two spades on the clubs assures the contract .
Could the contract be defeated ? Yes . Remember that nono about leading suits headed by an ace ? An unlikely low spade lead would work here . Dummy would play low and East would have to insert the ♠9 . This drives out the ♠K . Later , the defense would be able to untangle five tricks : two spades , two diamonds , and the ♣A . Still , please don ’ t try leading away from aces at home .
For + 140 – and for North following the LAW – North- South will get a good score . East-West could go on to 4♦ , which would likely be down one , but , if North- South were to double , it would be -200 , considered the kiss of death in matchpoint scoring . On a partscore deal , anyone scoring 200 points gets a near top and the pair conceding 200 points gets a near bottom .

Lesson Points

1 . Very few doubles at the one or two level are for penalty .
2 . When the opponents have bid and raised a suit , a double facing partner ’ s overcall is a responsive double , showing interest in competing and support for the other suits .
3 . When your side is known to have nine combined trumps , compete to the three level .
4 . Don ’ t lead , or underlead , an ace against a suit contract unless partner bid the suit .
5 . Minus 200 at matchpoints is considered the kiss of death .



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Jill Wallace is a long-time educator , teaching highschool mathematics for 25 years and then working at the University of Nevada , Reno , supporting faculty in the use of online teaching technologies . She also taught courses for UCLA Extension ’ s Online Teaching Certification program and was the coordinator of the University of Nevada ’ s online Renewable Energy Certificate program . One of her most interesting educational experiences was teaching judges to design and teach online courses for the National Judicial College in Reno , NV .
Encouraged by a neighbor in 2009 to learn bridge , Jill took 16 weeks of lessons and was immediately hooked . She started playing duplicate bridge at every opportunity and , in 2019 , Jill put her love of teaching together with her love of bridge . She now teaches a minimum of 12 eight-week courses a year for the Reno Bridge Academy , as well as coaching and mentoring new players . Jill enjoys seeing her students ’ bridge game improve and appreciates what her students give back to her and to each other in encouragement , support , and friendship .
Jill also enjoys the intellectual stimulation that teaching and playing bridge provides . She challenges herself to find the best bid to describe her hand , the best way to play or defend a hand , or the best way to teach a concept . " This fun game is a special blessing at this time of my life ," says Jill .
BetterBridge . com