Audiation Magazine AM064 Digital | Page 87

Your latest work has been with Katie Price for her new single ‘Hurricane’, can you tell us what it is like to work with her?

She is a dream to work with - dedicated, hard-working and knows how to deliver.

How did the ideas and the song come about? 

We are currently working on a album together, and, each song has an underlying meaning to both of us which makes our combination quite lethal and exciting at the same time.

You co-own UKG Chronicle - in one sentence, tell us what makes it this festival stand out?

It’s welcoming to everybody. From the rainbow-coloured circle to the word “Chronicle”, we deliver a story, past and present… A trip down memory lane with an incredible team Steve Kiel, Nikki Deal & Colin Bull) 

What are some of your favourite memories and highlights in your career so far?

Two spring to mind.. In 2014 my first performance at Wembley arena, with UKG Chronicle, and to perform with so many of my friends from UK Garage scene - MC Kie, Artful Dodger & Ms Dynamite. In 2017 in Blackpool, being able to stand on the same stage as Will Smith. They are both moments I will treasure forever.

What is your advice for those wanting to succeed in the music biz?

Never wait or rely on anybody. If you want something, it will never be handed on a plate. This is an extremely tough industry and, if you’re hungry, give it your all and go get it. 

What’s in store for the future?

To continue to do what I love to do, and that’s to bring people together with music. 

Any last words?

Would love to thank everybody that’s helped me along the way, and I still have such a long way to go. I’m extremely honoured to be able to work with so many incredibly talented artists and people. Special thank you to all and every person that supports me, worked with me and my amazing wife and family. THANK YOU X 
