Audiation Magazine AM064 Digital | Page 52

An exciting, free social platform for musicians to support each other and progress together in the industry. The founder, Melina Krumova, tells us more...

What were the initial ideas & inspiration for Drooble?

A decade ago I started playing the guitar and noticed how music slowly but surely made me more self-aware and present, helped me connect with others and ultimately gave me a tool for self-expression. It was a process of a loud but deep inner transformation.

Soon I realized that music can also bring positive change in the lives of others, so I created a music lessons academy in my home town which quickly expanded to other areas in the music industry - recording studio, rehearsal space, concert venue, promotion services and others.

Positivity and helping each other is a key part of Drooble’s structure - why is this important?

From a very early stage in our lives, we have been taught to compete and win at the expense of others. This concept has been transferred to the way most of the music platforms nowadays operate, but this obviously doesn’t work well in the context of the modern music industry. Instead of fostering unnecessary competition, Drooble encourages musicians to unite, collaborate, exchange services and grow together. We believe we are creating a culture of mutual support that lacks between artists.

What are your top tips for artists who want to get heard?

I’d first advise them not to want to get heard, because this corrupts music. But the reality is that musicians’ main need is exactly this - to be heard. So if we need to move in this direction I’d say:

1. Be genuine in your expression. Make the music which resonates with your current emotional state

2. Learn from others and experiment, explore new musical paths

3. Ask for as much feedback as you can from other musicians, especially when it comes down to details and production.

4. Be creative in your promotion and don’t rely on a method only because it worked 20 years ago. Embrace change.

Deep down in our core, beyond matter and shapes, we are waves and sound. Music can really help us find out who we are.
