Audiation Magazine AM048 Digital | Page 10

5 Songs For Your Sanity

Mental health is very relevant and very important for self-love and care. The topic has been on my mind for years, but the trigger for me to write something about it was from the recent season of the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why, which covers topics like suicide, sexual assault, bullying, depression, and mental health. Music is a cure in all shapes, so I wanted to write about some songs that have gotten me through some various experiences for the sake of my mental health. Hopefully they can get someone else through something as well.

1. Fall in Line – Christina Aguilera ft. Demi Lovato

Ladies, we needed a new anthem and this is it! All in all, it’s about women being our own person and not following society’s norm of what we should be doing. Nick Jonas sings about the theme of this song in his song “Good Girls” saying “Who’s the a**hole that told you that’s what you had to do?”

2. Miss Independent – Kelly Clarkson

This song showed me that it is ok to be my own independent person, not need a man or significant other, and still be my own