Audiation Magazine AM043 Digital | Page 2

Audiation Magazine is a global monthly music publication which is free to read online and available for on demand print purchases. We feature all styles of music and various languages in the magazine, each piece is an expression of what our writers and featured artists wish to show. We do not have set rules and allow the words to come naturally with few edits. Articles are not constrained to simply music - we like to be broad in the way we express our passion and include a variety of topics including poetry, fashion and lifestyle. Each chosen topic will reflect the thoughts of the writer and revolve around music in some way. The magazine is free to read as we understand the difficulty in which creative individuals face when trying to go far, thus we want to help their talents reach as much of the world as possible. We have wonderful partners, Vinyl For A Cause bring together their favourite musicians with a percentage of proceeds going to charity, and, Right Chord Music who help to promote and develop interesting independent musicians.

We wish to inspire minds, express creativity and radiate optimism to the world through music.