Audiation Magazine AM041 Digital | Page 26

E4's Stage School welcomes singer Amelia Lily for the new term. There's no business like show business, the reality series follows students aspiring to make their dreams come true. Amelia Lily shares her advice with Channel 4 for those who want do make it in the industry.

"I’ve got some tips. I think, no matter what industry I think you've got to be happy, you know? Because some people try and have an input and I think as long as you’re happy then you’re going with your gut instinct and that’s always the best instinct to go with. And I think as well, don't let people put too much pressure on you. I think it’s so easy, especially if you’ve done a reality TV show like myself, it’s very easy to get in this bubble of being under pressure so I definitely say don’t let pressure get to you too much. At the end of the day we’re only human, nerves are normal. So that would definitely be one. And thirdly, I think: keep good people around you like your family and friends - remember who’s been there for you from the start, before your career takes off or whatever, because people do come in along the way, and it happened with me, you’ve just got to keep reminding yourself of who was there from the start. Keep a good team of people around you who are going to look after you."

Packed with song and dance routines performed by the talented pupils, the series charts the drama, friendships, ups and downs of life at the stage school.

Watch Stage School weekdays at 5:30pm on E4.