Audiation Magazine AM039 Digital | Page 37

Throwback in 2009, my pal Feizal shared with me three tracks: When I fall, Breaking Day & Frank Sinatra Is Dead. A Riot In Heaven, I thought it was sort of American or British rock band. My surprise to hear that they are actually Mauritians #jawdropping. In those times the group was the first on my playlist and would gladly kickoff the day with 'Breaking Day' and when I needed some peps 'When I Fall' did the thing.

Time flew so rapidly and now we are almost ten years from my first listening. I recently came across a post from the group, who were celebrating the tenth anniversary of their album 'Weekend on Proxima'. My first move was to purchase the album; I was so excited as memories gushed and filled me with so much joy. I have been listening for almost a week now. Even my 3 y.o daughter appreciated the tracks "Their music is too good Papa". Rock genes have been transferred :).

A Riot in Heaven - I am glad listening to them after these years as it confirms lot of facts:

1. Mauritius truly got talents, as this album is a masterpiece.

2. I love it as it is a blend of my musical influences: Pink Floyd, Creed, Alterbridge, Mogwai and God is an Astronaut. Their sound is awesome.

3. The lead has a perfect voice for rock and gave me thrills, a perfect pitch and colour getting close to Scott Stapp early Creed records (Listen to When I Fall with these big guitar sounds plus check their video.)

My besties are: Mir, When I fall, Breaking day!

Alalila bann zenn!
