Audiation Magazine AM030 Digital | Page 10




I am experiencing an outburst of creativity during these recent weeks, a thing I can’t explain. One friend was telling me about the positive outcomes and energy flow after the solar and lunar eclipse; maybe it is due to that. Anyway, I am grateful for this period. Melodies, lyrics, solutions and perceptions are gushing out of my mind. This positive rampage must be channeled, when not, I feel frustrated and unproductive.

The only way of controlling the unpredictable rushes, is to record it instantly. For this, I have three tools, namely my notebook plus the pen, my portable recorder and eventually, the mix of both, my phone. Naturally, I am more on my phone to jot down ideas on Docs or have a quick recording through the voice recorder app. But, getting back to the basics is a pretty good experience, writing down the lyrics, erase parts or strike through some words - ease the mind freeing process. The recorder is more for a clean recording of the instrumental part which I can keep on looping in order to get the lyrics on.

During creative processes, I usually get inspiration from books, artists and situations. One great moment last month was a short unexpected meeting with Christophe Rey. He shared some thoughts and given news about his current projects which I am waiting for eagerly. This encounter has sparked lots of positive thoughts. Creation never stops. It just goes round and round. It takes its time to fully mature and come out, or, it runs down like a huge snowball catching everything on its way.

I often try to overdo it and then I face the reality by going back to the basics. Stuff that works for me are listening to the same old tune or even rediscovering an artist I use to listen to some times back. I know it might sound awkward what will follow but it is just the music style I am on the look for actually and that accompany my drives around the island.

My projects are shaping up and once things are settled I will be very much pleased to share, by now I am getting the most out of my influences. One discovery which incites me to drive the current change is Evy and the Gaffer. The group propose a soul/hip hop style which is powered by a very great lead voice and some amazing backing vocals. The pieces are nicely wrapped and presented with the picture of dog miniatures. The two striking tracks are 'Butterfly' and 'Upside Down' which is my favourite with the lead singing in a soft pp then allowing the full voice with natural vibratos and colours.

Here is my actual state of mind, and I hope to get the most of it. Until our next issue, keep well folks!

Creatively yours,



“Get On Top”

Californication, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers

"He Won't Go"

21, Adele

"They Don't Want Music"

Monkey Business, The Black Eyed Peas

"Most High"

Fya, Dezarie

"Rose Pleure"

La Beauté Du Geste, Gerald De Palmas

“Au Suivant”

Live performances, Mathieu Chedid M