Audiation Magazine AM023 Print | Page 20

The world is a beautiful place and each individual deserves the chance to enjoy it to the fullest. We'd like to take a moment to turn your attention to helping others, children with cancer. Our friend Paul aka DJ Smiffy P and, his partner in crime, Danielle will be running the London marathon this year for a worthy cause. No child should have to face such a terrible illness, and every little bit of help makes such a big difference.

Be a hero and help kick Cancer's butt!

Please donate via the JustGiving page or text 'DMPS58 £5' to 70070.


Hi guys, Together we're running the London marathon 2016 to raise money for the very special charity: Children With Cancer UK.

Almost 4,000 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer every year in the UK. This charity aims are to determine the causes, find cures and provide care for children with cancer.

With your help, we can all help to raise as much as possible towards helping these children throughout the toughest times.

No donation is too small! Thank you!!!!

Paul & Danielle x