Audiation Magazine AM021 Digital | Page 15


The long awaited movie that kickstarted the previous year. If I had to give it a tweet, my limited 140 characters would be the following:

#WhiplashMovie #jazz #drummer #mentor #tyrant #abusive #tempo #passion #faith #belief #opportunity #AimHigher #Caravan #AssertYourAim

Here the movie title got its true meaning by giving an electroshock. It just awakens the deep and true feelings that one might have. In my case, it just enhances my love for music besides questioning me to an extent, have I done everything to reach my goals, be it personal or musical.

Andrew, teenage drummer of 19, starting at Sheffard Conservatory is trying his utmost to impress Fletcher a band conductor always on the look out for new talents and mentoring these in order to get from them their best. Andrew is given his chance to join Fletcher’s band which turns out to be the start of a complicated relationship. Fletcher playing on his nerves giving it a soft approach praising the lil’ guy's talent but soon and explosively turns to that rude figure playing him down carrying along some cross words that would only allow you to walk out from his face. This confrontation is not well understood, as at first sight Fletcher can be seen as a psycho whose will is to despise others. No, that is none of that, he is just kicking them from their pedestal, bring them down to the basics, meaning talent is nothing without hard work, discipline and respect.

Throughout the story there is this pattern that shows up, the confrontation-surrender of both characters. If in the start Fletcher is the winner, the final act shows Andrew who confronts this tyranny, harassment and lack of respect by doing what he does best, playing his drums. Finally, Fletcher is the one who surrenders as he has got what's needed to be revealed from that drummer. The change he has driven from the first day that guy was in front of him performing for the band to this final act where hard work, determination and most of all love for music pays. That guy earned his respect.

I am sharing this movie and invite you folks to view it, as it is a wonderful life lesson. It breaks down the feeling of complacency and reminds us that hard work is the way. We always have to confront our doings and put a question mark on them. We cannot get any further if we are our sole judge as it gets biased. For me it has literally been a Whiplash and bringing me to redirect my musical ambitions for this New Year. Hope it works for you.

-- Steve