Audiation Magazine AM018 Print | Page 28

DISCLAIMER: This piece was written by an American, 20-year-old, Disney-raised girl who was able to pay the most attention to the careers of the artists mentioned in this article.

Take a look at the Top Charts of current music. You will see household names like Taylor Swift, Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato who all currently sing Pop hits, some more romantic than the others (Ex.- Swift's ‘Wildest Dreams’ vs. Lovato's ‘Cool For The Summer’). Thinking about it, all of these artists started their careers in a totally different light - Country or Disney. This Sarah's Thoughts serves, or will try to serve, as a breakdown as to how these artists have transformed themselves into the people we see today.

With all this 1989 hype, does anyone actually remember Taylor Swift's curly hair/dress style she had going on at the beginning of her career? To me, it seems the farther away from innocence she became, her style choices reflected it. Her hair got straighter and shorter, and her clothes soon became short skirts or shorts. Besides her style, her music has been brilliantly crafted to successfully transition from Country to Pop.


- Taylor Swift -