3. It's vital to stand out in any sector, what do you do to make yourself unique from the others?
"This goes for any career and just life in general. Be you and be an exxagerated version of yourself." Leanne
"I always try and get my name heard and do something outside the box." Laura
"Let them know who i am, what I do, and what I am about, and if they are happy with that then eureka!" Lauren
4. What is your best approach to networking and connecting with potential business associates?
"Be polite, professional, actively engaged and listen!" Vicky
Precisely Vicky, being engaged and actually show the company that you've taken time out and done your research on them.
5. The idea of working for yourself is challenging, what would you want to know before pursuing this step?
"The biggest fear is messing up from the start. i'd prefer to work myself up for experience first." Lauren
Lauren, don't be afraid to make mistakes, I once organised an event which ended up not happening, but you learn from it and you learn how to improve. The crazy thing is, the people involved still support my work like a little family.
"How to balance the books." Vicky
Vicky, there are lots of help out there, take it step by step with a simple spreadsheet and note down your spending.
6. We have a strong ethic for optimism, What are your best methods to staying positive and motivating yourself?
"I remind myself how far i've come and my plans for the future. Aim for your goal." Lauren