Audiation Magazine AM015 Digital | Page 13


What does music mean to you?

NICK: For me music is part of you, an extension of yourself, its a form of expression, an art form, there is NO problem in the world that can’t be fixed by listening to your favourite track, artist or style of music. Believe me, music is the cure to all problems it has helped me through some of the hardest times of my life.

SCOTT: Music is everything, first thing i do in the morning is listen to music, or i come up with an idea for a song. i spend most of my time in the studio, even if I’m not making anything, music is home.

What are your thoughts on how the underground music scene has progressed over the past 20 years?

NICK: To me the underground scene is like one big roundabout, every 10 or so years the music comes back around but with a modernised twist (rebranded) look at the “Deep House” boom, clearly its the same sound as the garage that was around 20 years ago just with a few minor tweaks to make it sound fresh. My main admiration for the scene though is the way that Underground Artists break through and become mainstream and evolve look at the likes of SKT who recently has started getting the appreciation that he deserves along with a whole heap of others that are breaking through.

SCOTT: I see it like a revolving door, one style comes in for a bit, then it dies out and makes way for the next, look at the house scene thats big right now, all of these kind of beats were around 10 years ago but now there’s a new modern twist on it.

Do you have any tips for aspiring music minds?

NICK: Never give up!

SCOTT: Carry on, carry on, carry on, not everyone is going to like what you do but oh well, there are people out there that will love it, keep pushing and u shall succeed.

What's coming up for Scott & Nick?

NICK: We have been given some great opportunities in the short space of time that we have been going as this newly branded duo, unfortunately we can’t disclose the details as we’ve been sworn to secrecy but they are huge projects so make sure you keep your eyes and ears open for them & of course loads more remix projects too.

SCOTT: We have a lot of projects in the pipeline, a couple are a bit hush hush at the moment but you will definitely be hearing a lot of remixes in the mean time.