Audiation Magazine AM011 Digital | Page 7


Hello readers, I am excited to present Audiation Magazine's first birthday edition! We'll be 1 on March 13th, how exciting!

Audiation Magazine begun from my tiny idea to collate music projects and really grew from there. The musical term "Audiation" means imaganation, not with visuals but with sound. The journey from ideas to research to development has been such a learning curve with excitement throughout. The business has progressed nicely since our debut issue in May 2014. then, now alongside a fabuluous team of feature writers: Rokuro, Cessle, Sarah & Malachi. They have been doing an excellent job and each have their own music ventures, so please do check them out. Each team member brings their own unique styles and bring diversity to the publication.

The business side is also developing well, we are now officially Audiation Magazine Ltd, and have gained some really producive distributors to help reach as much as the world possible! You can now read us through Kobo, iBooks, Issuu, Barnes & Noble and more! As always, Audiation Magazine will remain FREE! Why? We believe in reaching the maximum audience possible in order to help the amazing music talent & industry voice's get out there.

We are so ecstatic with all your support, thank you, thank you, thank you! We love each and every one of our readers and music connections, you inspire us. This is not just our magazine, it is yours too!

So, bring on the next few years, and let's see what the future holds for us!