Audiation Magazine AM010 Print | Page 10


6. Do you play any instruments

I'm weak on the piano. Other than that, no.

7. What are the five things you can't live without?

Music! My iphone, of course! My laptop, logic pro, and a mic. (and obviously my friends and family but i'm assuming we aren't referring to people)

8. If you were to give someone advice on life or how to start songwriting, what would you say?

On life, I would say… do whatever is necessary to kill your ego. You will become free when you do that. With song writing, I would say… never force it. Never try to think of lyrics or a subject or idea. Be influenced by life. I always catch myself in the middle of conversations scribbling down exchanges that would make excellent lyrics. Songs can only be felt when they are real, and to be real they have to come from real sources.

9. Who are your favorite musicians? Groups? CD's

My favourite musician of all time is Kanye west, followed closely by Jay Z. I've listened to Jay since I was 14 so i've grown up with him. He's a part of my transition into adulthood and it always brings an element of nostalgia when I hear his old stuff.

10. What are your plans for your singing and songwriting in 2015?

Really, REALLY big things. Don't believe me just watch!

Erica Le Bon - Wish I Stayed is out now!