Page 34 ■ Auburn Hills Review
The Leaders
The Leaders
Kevin McDaniel, Mayor
John Burmeister
Maureen Hammond
Robert Kittle, Mayor Pro-Tem
Henry Knight
VeRonica Mitchell
Cheryl Verbeke
City Council
The City Council is the legislative branch of the municiple
government structure. Under the Council-Manager form of
government provided by the Auburn Hills City Charter, the City
Council establishes policies which direct the resourcs for providing
City services. The City Council approves the annual City budget for
all CIty activities, adopts City ordinances, approves rezonings and
site plans and also approves major purchases. The City Manager
puts those policies into action through the day-to-day operation of
municiple departments.
Thanks to these election and meeting procedures, Auburn
Hills residents have as direct an impact as possible upon the
Council’s formulation of policies, ordinances and regulations.
Citizen imput of opinions and ideas is vital to the legislative
process by which Council makes decisions.
City Manager
The City Manager is the chief administrative
officer for the City of Auburn Hills and is
responsible for the day-to-day operations
The City Council represents all of the City of Auburn Hills. Each
of the City. The City Manager is appointed
of its members is elected directly by the citizens. There are seven
members of the City Council. Four are elected in the fall of each odd by and serves at the pleasure of City
Council. The City Manager also attends all
year. The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes
serve four-year terms, and the candidate receiving the next highest City Council meetings and reports directly
Peter E. Auger
to the City Council on all City matters.
number of votes serves a two-year term. The Council selects, from
City Manager
among its members, a Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem.
Among other duties, the City Manager submits the annual budget,
assists in planning startegies to achieve City Council goals and
The Mayor presides over meetings, acts as a City spokesman,
attends official ceremonies and signs City contracts and ordinances. to improve the quality of life in the City of Auburn Hills. He also
coordinates day-to-day operations and ensures the integration
In the Mayor’s absense, the Mayor Pro-Tem acts on the Mayor’s
of services among City departments as well as helps ensure the
dependable delivery of high quality services while conserving
community resources.
All of the City Council’s regular meetings are public deliberations.
These meetings are held as indicated in this calendar. In addition,
City Council sometimes calls special meetings for a specific purpose.
These meetings are posted on a covered bulletin board outside
of City Hall, on the City’s cable channel (Channel 17) and on the
Auburn Hills website. City Council meetings are broadcast Tuesdays
and Thursdays at 9 a.m. and Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 p.m.