Auburn Hills Review Vol. 21 No. 4 (Winter 2014) | Page 22

Page 22 ■ Auburn Hills Review Duplicate Bridge For experienced players. New players must call ahead to make sure there are open tables available. Tuesdays: 12:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. $1.00 drop-in fee Wii Bowling, Euchre & Other Game Interest Sign Up Call 248-370-9353 to have your name added to an interest list or to suggest other program ideas. Birthday/Anniversary Party On the second Monday of every month we celebrate all senior birthdays / anniversaries. Sign up with the Community Center and then enjoy lunch on us. Join us for Cake and Ice Cream after lunch and we’ll sing you a Happy Birthday. Potluck Dinners Bring a dish to pass (enough to serve at least 6 people). Main dish and table service provided. January 9 – Age Friendly Community February 13 – Jim Perkins Music/ Valentine’s day March 13 – Dan the Band / St Patrick’s Day 5:00 p.m. $2 Res/$3 Non-Res Luncheon and Holiday Programs These programs are part of the weekly lunch program. Some occur during lunch and others follow immediately after lunch. Some programs may have an activity fee. Remember to order lunch ahead of time. Please note holiday/larger parties require advanced registration due to large numbers. See deadline dates in program descriptions. Larger holiday events/parties have additional fees. January Classic Movies & Lunch Series Remembering Bob Hope, a tribute to Bob Hope and all his good deeds. Every Wednesday a DVD of Bob Hope’s special trips to entertain the troops will be shown. Sit back and enjoy a trip down memory lane. Enjoy Bob’s witty sense of humor and iconic character. Movie starts at 11:30 a.m., and continues uninterrupted through lunch. Jan 8th, 15th, 22nd 29th Middle Eastern Dancer and the Art of Ethnic Dancing Athena, a dancer and instructor will give us a glimpse of exotic dance from Turkish, Greek and Arabic cultures. Watch the beauty of dance from worlds across the seas. Program follows lunch. Jan. 10th Michigan Safari Carol Lindsay is bringing the outside in with many amazing preserved nature specimens including mammal’s skins, antlers, feathers and more. Fun facts and information will be shared about many of Michigan’s native animals. Jan 31st To Register: Senior Services VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES A volunteer’s gift of giving reaches out beyond the walls of the Community Center. There are great opportunities for families, students and individuals seeking community service hours and more. Contact the Community Center at 248-370-9353 to volunteer or for more information. Please note: All volunteers are required to pass a background check. MEALS ON WHEELS DRIVERS NEEDED! Volunteer Drivers are needed to deliver meals to homebound seniors. Over 50 meals are delivered daily. Routes are available any day of the week and we need 5-6 volunteers per day. A great opportunity for families, students, civic groups, churches, businesses, employees, and retired folks to bring sunshine to our homebound seniors. Your time commitment is as flexible as your schedule. SHARP Volunteers are needed for SHARP – Senior Home Assistance Repair Program. The SHARP program provides home repairs to seniors and disabled residents. The labor is free; the homeowners pay for the cost of the materials. Trained volunteers will provide miscellaneous home repairs and maintenance. Co-sponsored with the North Woodward Community Foundation. Meal Preps. & Special Events Help, help and more help is needed in our kitchen! Our Nutrition Program is growing and so is our need for volunteers. Volunteer assistance is needed in meal setups, packing homebound meals, serving site meals, clean-up, special event and help during parties. INCOME TAX PREPARERS NEEDED FOR AARP 2014 AARP prepares taxes at the Auburn Hills Community Center. Tax preparers are needed for the coming income tax season. You would aid by gathering information for the client’s tax return or enter it in the tax program on the computer. Training is held in January. Please visit if interested. Valentine’s Day Party with “The Little Band” Let’s us sweeten your afternoon with music and chocolates. Everyone wants a valentine so join us here at the Auburn Hills Community Center for lunch and entertainment that will make you smile. Lunch donation plus $2.00 Feb 14th – MUST PRE-REGISTER NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 8TH World Travel Guide with Dildora Damisch Seasoned world traveler Ms. Damish shares her adventures of travel with us. No passport needed for this adventure! Ms. Damish enhances your visual trip to places like Russia, Germany, Iran and more. She will also greet us with various languages from her travels. Program follows lunch. Feb 28th & Mar 28th St. Patrick’s Day Party Dom & Company. For your listening and dancing entertainment from Ron, Riki and Dom. Enjoy a day of socializing, friends and fun, scheduled for your St. Patty’s Day. Along with a special menu, party favors will fill the rest of your day with Blarney. Lunch donation plus $2.00 March 14th – MUST PRE-REGISTER NO LATER THAN MARCH 7TH Phone: 248-370-9353 Online: www.auburnhi ˛ܙ