Atworth Village Magazine March 14 Vol.37 No. 03 | Page 11
Send your news, articles and notices to [email protected]
The Chapel by
the Clock Tower
You will receive a warm welcome to any of
our meetings
Sunday services
11:00am except
3rd Sunday each month:
11:00am & 3:15pm followed by tea
2nd Friday each month: Coffee
Stop or Soup Lunch - times as advertised."
Reference was made in last months ‘Yer-Tiz’ about ‘I did wonder if someone
somewhere is building an Ark’.
Notwithstanding the plight of many people suffering the effects of the continuing
extreme weather in some parts of the country I thought I should put pen to paper.
The Bible tells us after the cataclysmic flood recorded in Genesis (and echoed by
many ancient civilizations) God promised never to deluge the whole world again to
destroy the earth and a sign of the promise was a rainbow. How many times have you
said ‘look a rainbow’! without realising its significance.
Later in the New Testament however the Apostle Peter writes to warn us the world
will not continue forever ‘the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the
elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be
burned up’.
I write, not as one carrying a sandwich board “Prepare to meet thy doom”, but as one
concerned for the eternal destiny of his neighbours. Peter also writes “The Lord.... is
not longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish but that all should
come (to Him) in repentance”.
So put away the wood and the hammer and open your Bible (available through
Google) and find out the good things God wants for you through His Son, Jesus
Friday 14th March will be our Soup lunch commencing at 12.15 p.m. If you have never
been before you would be very welcome to come along.
5th Sunday – 30th March – will be holding a Cafe style “Songs of Praise” commencing
at 4.00 p.m. Please come along and request your favourite hymn and enjoy the light
Rodney and Christine.
Yer Tiz Atworth Village Magazine—March 2014
Page 11