Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 97

When you open the brochure you will see two more pages that include three spreads...yes, they are named after bridges! (Cool huh?) On the second half of this side you will see the Card Meanings listed with brief descriptions. Now these are not what you’re used to seeing in Major Arcana Cards! I really feel I must share with you at least some of these interesting titles! This deck does follow “tradition” except...5) House of the Seeker, 12) The Hanged Woman, 16) Mt. St. Helens, 21) The City, 22) The Weird...what? That’s’s the twenty third card of the Major Arcana! (I love this!)

What IS The Weird Card? “The Weird Card is unique to The Portland Tarot. It relates to the space between the spaces, the moments when all has dissolved and has yet to re-gel and possibilities whip in the wind around you. This card is a bridge between worlds, a time when your current reality feels all wibbly and anything seems possible. Not yet The Fool, in The Weird, oconnectedness, magic and trust tug at you. Stay alert! Shapeshifting is possible.”