In Chapter 3 - First Sittings we are presented with a solid amount of information about the aura and the chakras, then told how some mediums can see their own aura and the aura of animals as well. Specific information is given here relating to seeing auras and personal experience is presented. I really resonated with the writing about trees and their Auras, as the author writes: “Each tree has its own individual energy field depending on age, health, and environment and a specific aura related to genus”. To me this was a lovely bit of info in this chapter, as I have a strong connection to nature. Wendy writes of the Chakras and how they relate to the human body. A Chakra chart is laid out with great detail and we can see how each chakra relates to a body organ, color, music, gemstone, mantra, quality and herb. This chart really helps explain the chakras and gives a fantastic overview of working with energy.
The author goes on to explain in Chapter 4- Establishing Communication how to open to spirit contact. Sample questions are posed that a person can ask Spirit such as “ What would be the best course of action? “. There is a relaxation induction here that assists one into sinking into a relaxed, comfortable state. This specific exercise helps to rejuvenate the emotions and re-balance the body. I felt it was a good induction and I really could feel myself relax when doing the exercise. Orbs are mentioned in Chapter 5 - Gaining Expertise. This section is really interesting and makes for a good read. Wendy writes “The Spirits we wish to attract are those that can supervise our spiritual quest with safety, joy and intelligence and success”. This section is full of useful, practical and spiritual information about Spirit guides and Spirit contact within the circle.
The LightWorkers Circle Guide also gives us information about the emotions that arise during spirit contact and circle work. Tears, anxiety, resentment are discussed and ideas and suggestions of how to work with these emotions within the circle are given. One way to is to write a letter to the Angel of Resolution to help with these matters. I thought that was so neat!