The Page of Wands: The focus of this card centers on impulse. When you find this energy present in your life, you are bubbling over with the idea and may be finding that you are ever reaching for the next great idea.
Five of Pentacles: The focus of this card is illusions. It is important to not always share every aspect of our lives, but be aware of what you are projecting outward. In your projection, are you being honest with the real you?
The Chariot: The focus on this card is balance. Grasping each half of the Yin-Yang, this raven understands the importance of the dynamic within the self and the world around. His breast plate shows a tree, full of life, while the ones to either side behind him are without leaves, barren while the grass is green beneath. Weak with exhaustion, he still finds the energy within to continue. Without the dark, how could one appreciate the light?
A few more examples of the Dream Raven's.
Conclusion: In working with the Dream Ravens, I hope that new, deeper-level connections to the subconscious have been brought to the surface to assist you in your life's journey. By opening these pathways and exploring the unseen or unconsidered, you open the gate of opportunities - and who knows where those paths will lead! ~Beth Seilonen.