Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 80

Within each chapter the reader is able to not only learn about the subject but find within its parameters facets in themselves and their corresponding natures that may bring inner enlightenment. We read about how to Heal our natures, what our natures mean, how to work with the numbers of the Enneagram and what kind of techniques and ideas we can use to explore the depths of our own individualistic personalities.

At times intense and extremely informative, the book showcases the strengths and weaknesses of varying personality types and their energetic associations, with ways to counterbalance and temper them. I found the book to be enlightening, interesting, and I learned a lot from Hey’s informative writing I did not know. Definitely a book worth buying, re-reading a second time and keeping as a reference, The 9 Dimensions of the Soul delivers fully with its deep explanations of esoteric knowledge and its relatable language. Easy to understand and full of potent wisdom, this book is one I would highly recommend to everyone, not just someone seeking information on the Enneagram, although it is a thorough and well written book about the subject. I will end with a line from the author in Chapter 9 -Grace “The nature of existence is love”. I felt this book was written with the language of Spiritual love and is a wonderful journey into enlightenment and rebirthing of the self. I truly did love this book!

Reviewed by Brad J Tesh: Co author of Seek Joy...Toss Confetti with Bonnie Cehovet. Columnist and Radio co- Host at Attune Magazine with Mary Nale. Freelance Writer.