The Changing of the Season
There is something different in the summer air now.
Hot, sweltering days give way to cool, refreshing nights.
Noisy air conditioners are being turned off,
And windows are opened to the coolness of the evening.
We wake to the chill of the early mornings,
And the intricate webs spun throughout the night.
Summer is winding down and will soon be a memory.
The lush green leaves of summer that adorn our trees
Are quietly turning to hues of orange, red, and gold.
The smell of autumn fills us with renewed energy,
As we harvest the bounty of our summer gardens.
The aroma of fresh baked pies and breads fill our senses.
The Autumnal Equinox, known as Mabon, will soon be upon us
We will light candles to welcome the changing season.
This is a time to honor the blessings of the earth
And to share our blessings with friends and family.
As the days and nights slowly grow colder each day,
We thank Mother Nature for all she has provided.
© Joanne Matthew (9/1/13)