Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 36

Imagine what happens when we wish for the worst! We feel heavy, discouraged, unhappy, mean, nasty, vindictive, etc. How much abundance will we attract into our lives with that kind of attitude?

As many of you know I am heavily into Emotional Freedom Technique. (EFT) Some people have said that it is just about tapping for money. Some may even believe this. The thing about tapping is if you say affirmations like “I deserve to be rich” and something inside you says “oh yeah, then why aren’t I?” Or “hell no I don’t deserve to be rich only crooks are rich”, then you are blocking your prosperity. Tapping can help us release the blocks to having money. Here is a tapping video by Brad Yates on being a magnet for money. Try tapping on this every day for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

There is this really fun prosperity game created by Elyse Hope Killoran.

It’s all about choosing to accept that you deserve to be prosperous and helping you stop resisting. You get checks and you can spend them on what you want. There is a gratitude journal there where you give thanks for your checks and what you spend them on.