Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 20

The Safety Side of Paranormal Investigation

by, ReeNee Cummins

In the year 2004, two Roto-Rooter plumbers made television history. They began hunting for ghosts in regular people’s houses on a regularly scheduled, prime time TV show. A lot of people didn’t know what to make of it; everyone knew that ghosts didn’t exist. There was no scientific data; that had been explained to the general public for generations. However, as the weeks went on, patterns of data appeared; these patterns could be picked up on electronic or scientific equipment that was readily available to anyone with some ready cash. Of course what happened was an explosion of these ghost hunting shows – and they have been a television staple since then. Then everybody wanted to be a “Ghost Hunter.” Books on paranormal investigations flooded the market. Websites were set up with all sorts of gadgets to contact the departed. But please, humor me by taking a step back to the more mundane side…