Anita's Bibleography...
Demo of Earth's spiraling orbit around sun:
Demo of Sun's Spiraling orbit around Orion Arm of Galaxy:
Analysis and Interpretation of Ezekiel's Wheel Vision:
Ezekiel Saw the Wheel:
Electron Microscope Imaging of Platinum Molecule:
Article on Rene Descartes:
"Blue Moon Tarot- a Unique Interpretation of the Major Arcana" (the companion volume)
By Julie Cuccia-Watts
Pgs 17-19.
"Journey Into Egypt Tarot"
(the companion volume)
By Julie Cuccia-Watts
Pgs 87-91.
"The Book of Thoth"
By Aleister Crowley
Pgs 89-91, & 133-136.
"Tarot For Yourself- a Workbook for Personal Transformation"
Mary K. Greer
Chapter 8 - Prosperity and Planning
Pgs 127-144
The Wheel of Time;
from "The Victorian Fairy Tarot"
Text by Lunaea Weatherstone
"Tarot Revelations"
Pgs 16-17, 155, 193-228.
Joseph Campbell & Richard Roberts
"Voyager Tarot"
Pgs 103-104.
By James Wanless
Tarot Images:
The Wheel of Fortune, from The Ancestral Path Tarot;
The Wheel of Fortune, from The Journey Into Egypt Tarot,
both by Julie Cuccia-Watts
Wheel of Fortune, from Tarot de Marseilles, Fournier version.
The Wheel of Time;
Victorian Fairy Tarot,
Art by Gary Lippincott,
Text by Lunaea Weatherstone
"Voyager Tarot"
Pgs 103-104.
By James Wanless
Tarot Images:
The Wheel of Fortune, from The Ancestral Path Tarot;
The Wheel of Fortune, from The Journey Into Egypt Tarot,
both by Julie Cuccia-Watts
Wheel of Fortune, from Tarot de Marseilles, Fournier version.