Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 11

The ten of Swords and the Wheel, depicts that no matter how bad things are now, things will be changing, ‘the sun will come out tomorrow’, I hope you have learned your lesson. You are at the bottom of the Wheel and you have nowhere to go but up.

The 10 of Pentacles is the slowest card in the deck, a heavyweight. It is the closest thing to earth on …earth…… on earth. We’re talking long lasting and stable, Tree of Life stability. Although the change is so miniscule, it depicts time in a fleeting moment and a march ever so slow. It brings up issues of life and death and what may be left behind. The Wheel added can mean pulling up roots, and relates to the tale of Odysseus. The King comes back to his kingdom in disguise as he tries to determine friends from enemies. But because of the disguise, he is out of time, almost invisible except to those who have heightened perception. Time is changing for him, ever so slowly, but they are changing.