Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 101

The handprint was chosen as the symbol of that journey because "it stands for the presence of both human and spiritual beings moving between our world and that of our ancestors. To touch the image of the human handprint with your own is to meet with spirit across time."

On its face, this is a simple system. Lay down the template, stick your hand on the handprint to make the initial connection; place the two interactive cards; shuffle the rest; then draw 5 cards and read the book. Easy peasy. But, wait -- there's more, way more.

Let me explain why I call this "the most personal oracle I've used." For the reading for this review I asked a rather serious personal question. I followed the instructions, read the results... and freaked out. I felt like somehow this oracle was reading me on a very deep and private level. I immediately felt exposed, like someone threw open the shower curtain as I was shaving my legs. I actually gasped "how did you know that???" out loud. The cards cut right to the heart of my question responding with ancient profound wisdom that felt so truthful it made me a little dizzy. After meditating on the advice given, I put the oracle away and went about my day, thinking the reading was over. I was wrong. That night I had a dream unlike any I've had. The "dream" (if I can call it that) directly related to the question I had asked the oracle. But, I was able to see the consequences of what I had been considering and actually feel how others and myself were affected by my actions. I watched myself enact a scenario and I acted it out simultaneously. I was literally in two places at once. And, there was someone with the observer-me in the dream, a Companion, just like when I did the reading.

I've never been on an official Shamanic Journey, but working with this deck feels like the closest I've gotten to it. It was a very intense experience for which I feel an immense gratitude. I don't know if I (or anyone else) will have another similar experience working with The Shaman's Oracle, but I know I will turn to it the next time I'm ready to go deep and get personal.