Upcoming Deck Images
Tarot of the Night created by Richard ShadowFox promises to be a great addition to your Tarot Collection! I’m honored to have images and card descriptions to share.
The deck will be released through Schiffer Publishing in 2013 and Richard has graciously allowed us to get a first look at his amazing work.
There is a journey beginning, and scared or otherwise, I must go on. I can make the journey and explore the castle, or I can decide not to; turning and running away instead, but that very decision is the start of a different journey. I choose to go forward, foolishly perceived or not.
Image - I couldn’t find any reason why I shouldn’t portray this card as a woman, so I did. The bridge to the castle, as well as the castle, seems precarious, as if they could fall at any moment. This is a traditional representation in a unique environment. The entrance to the castle appears as a mouth with teeth. There is a light in the tower, which depicts a goal, and the castle partially crosses the moon describing a lack of clarity on the wisdom to proceed. The woman wears white for her purity and naiveté.
This is a traditional representation in a unique environment. The entrance to the castle appears as a mouth with teeth. There is a light in the tower, which depicts a goal, and the castle partially crosses the moon describing a lack of clarity on the wisdom to proceed. The woman wears white for her purity and naiveté.