You can be grateful for anyone or anything, big or small, and when you are, a spark of hope and "all is well" begins to return.
Being thankful reminds us that there is still goodness even in the midst of turmoil.
If you change your beliefs towards what is occurring, and you are determined to find a those precious and divine moments, you will find them; they are right there inside and outside of you!
If you haven't already, start a grateful journal.
Each day write down the things you are thankful for; add some pictures for more of an impact or heartfelt nudge.
When you are experiencing emotional times and having difficulty quieting the endless negative chatter that seems to take over and you can't muster up what there is to be grateful or happy for, you can look over what you have already.
Sometimes all it takes is a gentle reminder and you are able to become appreciative once again.
Be grateful for your loved ones, your friends, your pets, your sobriety, your car, your job, your home, your bed, your clothes, your shoes, etc. More importantly be thankful for the freedom to still create positive lasting memories if only for a day!
Being grateful not only benefits you but those around you as well. You become an inspiration in your own life and possibly the lives of those you encounter.
You become more hopeful, lighter, happier, more loving, kinder, understanding, compassionate, empathetic, and thankful. It just doesn't get any better than that.
What are you grateful for today?
Use these techniques with insight to assist you in seeing why being grateful is important to your life.