An original spread by Mary Nale for Bonnie Cehovet’s Blog
Placing the Birth Card Pairs: Place one below the spread and one on top of the spread
Three Cards and what they indicate:
What is keeping me from moving forward? Card 1 in center
What can I do to move forward? Card 2 on left
What is the lesson here? Card 3 on right
Adding Birth Card Pairs to a simple three card reading can help you identify traits in the person you’re reading for and also it can shed light on issues that might otherwise remain hidden.
Some prefer to place the Birth Cards at the top or off to the side of the spread. I like the way this spread looks and feels when layed out this way. If you happen to know the person you’re reading for, you could place the positive Birth Card at the top and the negative/shadow aspects card at the bottom or dominant and non dominant…play with it! You won’t believe how much more you can get from reading three cards this way.
I’ve used the Tarot of Dreams Deck created by Ciro Marchetti to illustrate the spread with Major Arcana Cards.
And to make the cards look extra nice I used a screenshot from: Orphalese
Special thanks to Bonnie Cehovet for writing a wonderful book on Birth Cards!
Tarot, Birth Cards, and You: Keys to Empowering Yourself