Attune Magazine/July 2012 July. 2012 | Page 52

May and June were busy months in the world of aliens, ancients and astronomy. Lots of sightings, a major astronomical event and of course, we are always digging up more things from the past.

In June the Ocean X Team sent divers to explore the Baltic Sea ufo site where they had discovered a 200 foot circular object on the sea bottom last year. The object rests at the end of a long gouge in the ocean floor,. The divers said that they found the object was more mushroom shaped than they had realized, it had an egg shaped hole or entry in the top and the top also had a circular arrangement of what looked like soot covered fireplaces. The team found that all electronic instruments shut off when near the object and said the dive “raises more questions than answers”.

The transit of Venus occurred on June 5 as the planet was visible as it passed in front of the sun. The next time this will happen is 2117.

Linda Moulton Howe, writer and investigative reporter , visited Gobeckli Tepe in Turkey during June. Over the last twenty years the site has been partially explored and uncovered, revealing more than 30 acres of stone pillars arranged in a circles. The pillars weigh up to ten tons each and have carvings of both known and unknown animals, humans and human-like beings. Carbon dated at 12,000 years old this site is 7,000 years older than the Sumerian civilization, thought to be the first civilization capable of stone working. Hidden rooms and passages are being found and some scientists, including Howe theorize that the pillars may have been tuned to vibrate, possibly like some unknown machine or mechanism. It is thought that there may be many more pillars and structures not yet uncovered. One notable quote: “Goblecki Tepe was as old at the building of the pyramids as the pyramids are today”.