Attune Magazine/July 2012 July. 2012 | Page 46

Others that have been renamed: The Cathedral = The Hierophant; Blue Buddha = The Hermit; Triskelion = Wheel of Fortune; Temperance = Polarity; Phoenix = The Tower; Awakening = Judgment.

The suits have been renamed as well.

•Arrows = Wands - Action - Fire

•Roses = Cups - Emotion - Water

•Quills = Swords - Intellect - Air

•Oaks = Pentacles - Physical - Earth

The Court holds four positions with a King and Queen in each suit. But, the members of the court where we might expect to find a Knight and a Page, we find very different characters. For example, let's take a look at what we would commonly consider a Page or Princess (depicted as females).

•Suit of Roses - The Muse

•Suit of Quills - The Oracle

•Suit of Oaks - The Steward

And in place of the Knights or a Prince (depicted as males) we find:

•Suit of Arrows - The Archer

•Suit of Roses - The Bard

•Suit of Quills - The Alchemist

•Suit of Oaks - The Builder

Not a far stretch to figure out if you just think about the qualities of the suit in relation to the qualities of the position. At first I thought it was confusing, but once I took a moment and really looked at them in their element, they fell right into place and made perfect sense. The subjects in the cards are performing tasks that directly relate to their individual qualities of suit and rank.