A review by Koneta Bailey
The Incidental Tarot is a self published eighty (80) card Tarot deck by Holly DeFount of Raven and Rose Arts.
"I didn’t intend to create a Tarot deck. At least, not like this…not in the space of a year."
The Incidental Tarot came to be "incidentally" from a daunting personal challenge in 2011 to create one original piece of art a day. To accomplish this challenge, Defount says she chose the ACEO (Artist Card, Editions, and Originals) format because it seemed to be a manageable size to create daily.
I found this deck in its early days, quite by accident and in progress, listed on the IndieGoGo site, a site created for "crowd funding" . I immediately fell in love with the images, and being a deck collector, this deck quickly went on my "wish" list.
Deck Particulars:
•Cards measure 3.25" x 4.75."
•Cardstock is sturdy but flexible
•Borders, you can see them for yourself below.
•Finish is semi-glossy allowing easy shuffling
•Backs are reversible
•Packaging: Standard cardboard flip top box
•80 cards total (2 additional Major Arcana)