Attune Magazine/July 2012 July. 2012 | Page 42

by Bonnie Cehovet

What is Independence Day to you? In the first place, you probably think if it as the Fourth of July! ;-) It commemorates our country’s freedom from Great Britain … the literal day when the Declaration of Independence was signed. We celebrate this day in many ways … both privately and in our individual communities. We hold parades, give speeches (any excuse and a politician will give a speech and shake a hand or two!), go to concerts, go to picnics and barbeques, watch the fireworks at night … the list is endless!

As a child, this was a big day for me and my family. As an adult, I was in the service (Army), so the day was of a more serious nature. Freedom was not free … it had to be defended, and lives were both lost and changed forever.

In looking at what this Fourth of July means to me, I turned to the Tarot. I drew one card for the theme, and one card for actions that I could take. For the theme, I drew the Queen of Wands. For the action that I can take to commemorate this day, I drew the King of Pentacles. Interesting … both of these are people cards … which I see as aspects of myself. The deck that I used was the “Shadowscapes Tarot”, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law.