was a very long time. The people of Trandis could benefit enormously and vastly improve their lot in life if they had not held the Elves in such disdain for so many years.
Whatever wrong they felt they were dealt in some long past age, had all but been forgotten. But, the fear and prejudices remained, which she thought was a very sad state indeed. Wallen it seemed had taken a great risk to himself in traveling so far and into a forbidden region in pursuit of a desperately needed elixir. Hopefully, he would be able to return home in time to save his daughter.
Caleighela’s workroom, at first glance, looked the same as any other herbalists/healer’s workroom might look. But if you were ever lucky enough to see the inside of a highly talented Elf Healer’s room, you would quickly notice the vast differences. Among the varied usual paraphernalia neatly sitting in its place, the subtle yet magical looking tools were tucked. The truth is, there was only a tiny pinch of ‘real magic’ that actually took place in this laboratory, and the rest was science and skill. True, it was much advanced science and skill, but to the more common and superstitious people of this world, it was all magic and therefore to be feared. It was only in times of dire need that her talents would be sought out by the race of men.
With elixir in hand, Caleighela awakened her visitor. Wallen had been able to close his eyes on a full belly without fear for a short reprieve. Upon receiving the much needed elixir, Wallen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and so, he did both. The gratitude that shined from his face was all the payment and thanks Caleighela ever needed. She whispered a prayer to the Elements asking for speed and protection for Wallen on his journey home and that he should return in time to administer the cure.