by: Pip Miller
I wake up every morning, eager to check my email and see who has requested a Healing-light session with me. Each and every time I see that someone has, my heart skips a beat with joy, I get a huge smile on my face, and I can feel bliss filling my body; I get to help someone heal today!!
The journey that led me to this life and this purpose was a long, very winding road, and if it hadn't been for a chance comment from a friend, I'd probably still be walking along blindly, missing the turn-off that led me to this point. Discovering -quite out of the blue- that one has a gift (that, in all honesty, we all have) and that that gift brings peace, joy, and healing to others simply by putting one's hands on them, or, in my case, by placing them on a teddy bear, is simply mind-blowing.
The tools of my trade!
So many of us are discovering this ability, and I feel it is due to the fact that unless we unblock the stuck energies and emotions within, real healing will not occur. We can feel better for a while, yes, and take endless pills in the hopes that whatever is bothering us will go away, but it won' will hide in the shadows, just waiting for that perfect moment to jump out and scare you again. Or, even worse, it will go deeper and bring out a condition or ailment that is more dire that the one we had in the first place.
will go away, but it won' will hide in the shadows, just waiting for that perfect moment to jump out and scare you again. Or, even worse, it will go deeper and bring out a condition or ailment that is more dire that the one we had in the first place.