Attune Magazine Attune Magazine | Page 23



My Thoughts on TarotSeek™

This book interests me because it wants to teach us how to read the cards for ourselves and this is something that many people have difficulty doing.

I'm immediately impressed with the statement "Do not base decisions on the tarot alone." This is something I've seen happen over and over...people go from one reader to another looking for the answer they wish to hear. I call these "Serial Querants".

Special attention is paid to the aspect of emotional readings. I like this because many of the questions we tend to ask tarot when reading for ourselves are emotional in nature.

We must never forget that we all have FREE WILL. TarotSeek™ spends the time to explain all about these things. (I respect this and wish more tarot readers would address this.)

The Authors view that there is no "right" way to shuffle or store your deck is refreshing. They also give you examples of how you could shuffle as well as mentioning that shuffling and cutting the deck are very personal choices. There is no right or wrong way.

The ideas given about storing your deck are straight forward and useful. Once again, this should be a personal choice. Rituals are mentioned and that's a nice touch because if you shuffle, cut and store your deck the same way each time, it's YOUR ritual. I like this.

Right and left brain thinking is discussed in a way that makes absolute sense-we want to use our creative (right) brain to read the tarot.

Some books I've read on this are so text book like or scientific that it takes all of the fun out of your right brain thinking! TarotSeek™ discusses this clearly but briefly and this is something I find useful.

I prepared for my session as directed: A notebook that I use for "scratching out ideas", my favorite pen, a plain white sheet of copy paper and the Radiant Rider Deck.

Although I will not "reveal" the TarotSeek™ method in this review, I will tell you that I honestly found it very enjoyable. I can add this to my meditation techniques and use it to resolve inner conflicts. I'm not usually one for using "traditional" tarot decks because I find the images hard to interpret. TarotSeek™ helped me to see things I hadn't noticed before and to realize that perhaps I hadn’t been asking the right questions. I can't wait to use this method with the decks that I only use for meditation.

There is also an “Audio” version of this exercise. This technique gave me a somewhat different result that seemed even more accurate than the Paper Method. I encourage you to practice with both methods.

This sixty page E Book was a nice read, keeping things simple and getting directly to explaining things. There are many tarot books on the market for the beginner, I feel this one is able to guide and enhance the tarot experience without confusing the novice. I mention the page count because it’s less daunting to read sixty pages as a beginner. From personal experience, some books geared towards the beginner are too long and complicated for the person who wishes to get started immediately.