Again, talk to your angels and ask them to put ideas into your mind. You were born for a purpose and if you aren’t living up to your divine purpose then naturally you would be somewhat dissatisfied and unhappy. Catherine Ponder says in her book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, “We live in a sea of energy and intelligence, according to the scientists, and we have constant access to its benefits, if we ask for them. Your ships come in only after you have sent them out.” Examine your attitudes and what kind of energy you are sending out to the world about work. If you are whining about how unfair things are no wonder you don’t have the motivation to succeed. I strongly suggest that along with doing your tarot spells you read The Dynamic laws of Prosperity. It can change your life! It changed mine! The book is filled with magnificent, creative ideas that, if you use and make them your own, you definitely cannot stay depressed and unmotivated! Of course there are many other good prosperity books too that you can read for motivation too. But you have to focus on what you want, not on lack.
What other areas in our lives can we feel unmotivated? What about losing weight or breaking a bad habit? You can use the same wands cards, plus the High Priestess, but instead of using the pentacles card you can pull out Strength.